Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club Landesverband Berlin e. V.

Ride of Starts 2021 at Brandenburg Gate

Ride of Stars 2021 at Brandenburg Gate © ADFC Berlin - E Brodhage

The German Cycling Association in Berlin

The German Cycling Association Berlin (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club Berlin e.V.) is part of the national cycling advocacy, the ADFC.

Our cycling advocacy focusses on improving Berlin’s infrastructure, so that everyone can get around by bike - more comfortably and more safely. The ADFC Berlin e.V. is a not-for-profit organisation.

We started back in 1983, and today in 2024 we have more than 21,000 members. Berlin is the capital of Germany: at the heart of politics, every voice counts!

In all we do, we press and advise Berlin politics, society and the media, particularly on the implementation of Berlin’s Mobility Law. With other sustainable transport organisations, we were partners in the creation of the Mobility Bill and since its adoption in 2018 we monitor the progress – very closely. This is important to us. The goal - and indeed final reward - is a city worth living in for everyone.

Very much like Berlin, Germany's "Capital of Cool", we are multi-cultural, inclusive and diverse. Welcome to Berlin!

Our goal

A city for everyone - A city worth living in

In addition to our commitment to environmentally friendly and sustainable mobility, the ADFC advises on all matters relating to cycling. This includes consumer advice on bicycle purchases, technology and accessories as well as legal and insurance issues.

Participate in the demonstrations and activities organized by us, for a more cycle-friendly Berlin!

And enjoy the true fun of cycling with our guided bike tours in the Berlin-Brandenburg region!

The ADFC Berlin e.V. was founded in 1983. Since then, our membership has steadily grown to our more than 21,000 members today. The Berlin branch of the ADFC is responsible for the capital and federal state of Berlin. It is organized into 13 district council groups.

We are a not-for-profit organisation, aided by our members, supporters and sponsors. And they are kindly giving their time: our 200 active volunteers are the backbone of our organisation.

Many Berlinners want to see cycling conditions improve. Currently cycling can be stressful, and conditions are unsatisfatory for many or us. You can make suggestions where and how the cycling infrastructure in Berlin should be repaired, rebuilt and newly created.

We want to see change now! The climate is not waiting.

Video: ADFC wants #MoreSpaceForCycling

Cycling in Berlin is a central theme of our association's work. In this respect, we see ourselves as representing the interests of the cycling Berlin community and work in many different ways to improve the conditions for cycling in Berlin.

We are active on social media channels, including X (formerly Twitter), Bluesky,  Instagram and Facebook, publish a monthly newsletter and, jointly with the ADFC Brandenburg, publish our "radzeit" magazine. 

At the office in Yorkstrasse 25 and our bicycle workshop, library and meeting venue (the "Velokiez") in Möckernstrasse 47, both located in the Möckernkiez of Kreuzberg district, our members, citizens and visitors to the city can find out about all topics related to cycling, and obtain practical support, including

Even if we communicate typically in the German language, English is widely spoken in Berlin, including the ADFC, and English speakers are always welcome.

  • You are new in Berlin?
  • You have questions about our traffic code?
  • You want to meet other cyclists?
  • You are looking for guided cycling tours in and around Berlin?
  • You want to support our goals?

We will be pleased to hear from you, and we are here to support you!

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